Our wide range of colours enables you to complement and enhance the look of your property. Our standard box and guide colour for all coloured curtains is white, although bespoke powder coating is available on request.

*Colours shown are standard colours available
Painted Wood Effect
Painted wooden effects are an effective and cost effective solution to match with existing windows, doors and architecture. Our standard box and guide colour for painted wood effect curtains is brown, although bespoke powder coating is available.
• Rosewood
• Golden Oak
• Irish Oak
• Nut Brown
*Effects shown are standard wood effects available

Our range of laminate finishes provide a truly prestige finish that is of the highest quality and durability, as well as enabling you to match with existing windows, doors and architecture. Our standard box and guide colour is white for coloured curtains, and brown for wooden finishes, although bespoke powder coating is available.